Tuesday, January 30, 2024


Just sucking the life out of me, consuming energy. Taking and taking, home entered now breaking. Disregarding, unrewarding, hollow. Adolescent senior citizen, intellectually narrow. Joy mucking, soul sucking self fucking pit of waste. Wasted time, wasted youth, wasted money wasted truth. Entitled with intent, to strip me of every moment, never silent just content to avoid guilt while draining the innocent. An all intrusive bystander, intolerant reprimander self serving demander, malignant cancer. The capacity of a metric ton of audacity, the everything sapped from me, existing here just safe and sound in apathy. 

Friday, January 19, 2024

Personal Prediction

I predict that I will pass away in the first or second week of April 2031. Obviously it'll be due to my heart just popping or something like that. 🚬That is if we survive apophis 🌜 ☄️🌎 that huge comet that's coming to whiz right by us and put the wind in our hair in 2029. I don't know but, if you ask me, something that large and going that fast, coming between the Moon and the Earth....? So, yeah... it's probably going to hit us.  If it doesn't hit us it's really going to disturb the whole balance of what we got going on here. So .. if we survive that, I believe I probably won't live past mid April 2031. I will be 61 years old. That's younger than my dad was when he passed away but older than some of my exes that have already passed away. Now let's check it, if you've read it this far I really am aware that this, this is a really depressing subject. Thank you for reading... all one or two of you (which is really just me checking back in on my unplugged shit that nobody reads). I know I can put all the stuff on Facebook but I don't like to cuz it's that immediately immediate whatever. Myspace deleted my blog and Yahoo deleted all my emails!!! Fuck Yahoo! Give it a reason to cry ... 🎢 Faahhk yooooooohoo! πŸ”ŠπŸŽΆπŸͺ¦