Friday, February 21, 2020

Divide and Conquer

Dear America - quit allowing yourself be divided from your people. "DIVIDE AND CONQUER" it's a simple tactic, if we are fighting against each other then they win. There are more of us than them and if we stop hating each other for a minute we might realize that those taking our hard earned money and dictating our lives, and poisoning our food, stealing our land, aren't divided among themselves - they have one clear objective and it's motivated purely on power and greed. We aren't born liberals or conservatives - there isn't a red & blue or left & right, not until they told you there was - and "both sides" are too busy hating the supposed other side to see the raping, pillaging and debauchery that is happening to ALL sides, including the planet. Quit seeing only blue and red - we are all the same where it matters - we are connected by life itself and what a waste of such a short time we have - to spend it hating because your self appointed political classification crafted by selfish entities, tells you to. UNITED WE STAND - DIVIDED WE FALL!


  1. You are undeniably correct. Americans need to learn to see the big picture.
    Unethical big monied corporate interests and the billionaires that own and control them are doing everything they can to keep 'the little people' focused on our differing personal beliefs, and while they are dividing and distracting us they are acting on their own unmitigated conflicts of interest and greed.
    The outrageousness of the degrees and amounts of conflicts of interest being acted on, the quid pro quos, the corruption, extortion, bribery, money laundering, kick-backs, pay-to-play schemes, self-dealing, racketeering, perjury, tax evasion, inherent contempt of Congress and abuses of power going on are absolutely mind-boggling. It seems the heads of agencies are appointed BECAUSE they have conflicts of interest. The foxes are in the henhouse, the open government laws are being ignored, and the crooks are going wild, both brazenly and behind closed doors. Meanwhile the crooks and their corporate accomplices try to divide people based on the smallest details relating to their personal lives. The greed and callous disregard for those who are poor and suffering is unconscionable.
    Kudos to you for calling out the corrupt system that is letting greedy billionaires' and crooks feed at the trough while those in need and struggling get kicked to the curb and have the life squeezed out of them. The reality is politics and greed versus empathy and compassion. People with different views need to see the bigger picture.


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