Tuesday, December 09, 2008

His Ness-ness

His sense of humor may not be appreciated or understood by most but I wouldn’t trade this aspect of his character for anything in the world.
I value it more than I would if he brought me breakfast in bed. Or….
If he didn’t turn into an asshole an hour or so once a month. Or….
If he bought me a brand new BMW.

I’m going to start writing down some things that come out of his mouth because I don’t want to forget. This is just a couple from last night.

He says, “I’m sorry to have to do this in bathroom off the kitchen baby, but I can’t hold it”.
“I know. Do what you got to do.”
Several Category 3 (and higher) explosions later I ask, “Do you need some baby wipes in there, Hun?”
The Initial inaudible response from the bathroom was, “Nah, just a Sham Wow”.
“What? Sorry I didn’t hear you I’ve been creating background noise out here, [shutting off fan] there, say again?”
Then I hear loud and clear, “SHAMWOW!”

This is the silly crazy quick and unexpected humor I need. Just one of many instances he has made me laugh into tears. I am still laughing. I nearly wet myself.
If only I had a recording, because it may not be funny in text, or you haven’t seen the commercial for the ‘Sham Wow’, a “you had to be there”, sort of thing. Nevertheless, so hilarious his keeper status shot straight through the roof.

During a love scene in the movie The Air I Breath* he says,
“Oh she’s going to blow his balls off so hard he’s going to have use a prosthetic to do her in the ass”

*(excellent movie, by the way, I watched it last night but Todd unfortunately caught only bits and pieces of it because he was busy)

Maybe I can live with his mindless late night TV watching after all. Because when I quit bitching about it, I find that what would annoy probably everybody else in the world, is extremely entertaining to me, and as I am always saying, laughter is good for the soul.

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